Nessum Alliance
HD-PLC Alliance endeavors to create a full-fledged universal network society with a focus on consumer electronics and business applications. In this effort, the Alliance has positioned Power Line Communication (PLC) as a central communication vehicle and is working to promote spread of the HD-PLC format technology in particular. This high-speed powerline technology is ably supported by IEEE 1901 Standards and is being adopted in several projects across the world. This webinar is being organized to bring together various stakeholders from industries, utilities and academia who look leverage high-speed PLC as a core technology and to present them the HD-PLC ecosystem where communication compatibility assures “safe” and “easy” connectivity among HD-PLC networking devices. It will focus more particularly on Smart Grid Case Studies using Communication Systems based on IEEE 1901 High Speed Powerline Communication.
Topics covered/Agenda:
• Overview of HD-PLC Alliance and IEEE SA
• Smart Grid
• Smart Mertering
• HD-PLC Technology and Standards
Takanori Miyake
President & Chairman
HD-PLC Alliance
Overview of HD-PLC Alliance
Sri Chandra
Senior Director
IEEE SA Foundational Technologies
Overview of IEEE-SA
Masayuki Suzuki
Nuri Telecom Japan.
Benefits and results of implementation of Smart Meter using communication in AMI systems
Jean-Philippe Faure
Standard Task Group Chair
HD-PLC Technology Working Group
HD-PLC Technology and Standard
Markus Rindchen
Head of Technology Management and Regulatory Affairs,
Power Plus Communications AG
Smart Metering