Smart Grid Case Study: How HD-PLC Enabled The Realization Of A Large Scale Smart Grid Network In Taiwan?


Nessum Alliance



Network construction for smart metering


An embedded HD-PLC module with multi-hop technology enables high-speed and reliable data transmission


Improvement of operational efficiency and energy management

The social needs laying in the background

In houses, apartments, buildings, and factories, smart meters are being introduced from the viewpoint of energy saving by visualizing electric power and operational efficiency by automatic meter reading. Also, activities to efficiently use electric power throughout the region by connecting distributed power resources such as solar panels and storage batteries with the electric power system are expanding internationally, and smart meters are positioned as an important part of this.

The issue for networking of smart metering

In apartments, buildings, and factories, the boxes for data collection with metal doors may be installed underground. When one company tried to build a network using a wireless communication system, but it was not easy. As an alternative, installing a new ethernet cable for communication required a lot of cost and man-hours.

HD-PLC achieved both high-speed and reliable data transmission

Smart meters, repeaters, and concentrators with embedded HD-PLC modules were installed and the HD-PLC multi-hop network was constructed using existing power lines. As a result, high-speed and reliable data collection has become possible (collection rate 100% at 15-minute intervals).

In Taiwan, the installation was completed at about 260,000 units in 2018, and it is planned to expand to about 3 million units by 2024.


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