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  3. Evaluation Kits Products
  4. MegaChips BCP-CP-E21

MegaChips BCP-CP-E21

MegaChips BCP-CP-E21

BCP-CP-E21 is an evaluation kit that has the function of “Nessum Complete”. This product strips out Multi-hop functionality to give you the fastest Nessum communication possible. Capable of delivering high-definition video, Internet, and other large streams of data, Nessum complete is perfect for your bandwidth-hungry applications. Get the hardware, software, and documentation you need to easily set up and evaluate system performance.


Item Specification
Type HD-PLC3 Complete
Frequency Band 2MHz - 28MHz
Interface Ethernet, RS485
Communication Speed  [UDP] Max. 95Mbps, [TCP] Max. 70Mbps
Utilized IC MLKHN1500AM

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