2. Nessum Alliance

Nessum Alliance

Purpose of Establishment

Support, Promote, and Implement the Nessum system for communications on any media

The Nessum Alliance (former name HD-PLC Alliance) positions the Wavelet OFDM modulation and demodulation method adopted in the international standard IEEE 1901 as a basic technology.
By working to spread the use of the Nessum (former name HD-PLC) communication method that enables "easy connection, high-speed digital communication, and long-range communication'' on any media (wired and wireless), we promote the creation of a communication-compatible environment between network devices that comply with Nessum technology and international standardization activities.
Our purpose of establishment is to contribute to the creation of a people-friendly and prosperous IoT society.

Nessum Alliance Mission

Creating a simple and stable communication environment

  1. Provide compatibility testing of devices from different manufactures
  2. Educational activities for equipment manufacturers, electrical materials/construction/electrical wiring companies, system integrators, etc.

Promoting the benefits and convenience of Nessum

  1. Promotional activities for comfortable adoption and use of Nessum
  2. Posting value-added information on the web and seminars
  3. Public relations activities such as social media, press announcements, joint exhibitions, etc.

Promotion activities that connect home appliances/business/devices from different industries

  1. Cooperation with various industry organizations
  2. Technology exchange meetings, collaboration with other Alliances
  3. Sharing information about installation and usage environment
  4. Promotion of standardization

Why Should I Join Nessum Alliance?

Nessum Alliance is open to companies in global regions that are engaged in developing products or providing services based on the Nessum technology, as well as to any company interested in the technology. The Alliance encourages their participation, and will proactively continue its Alliance activities. These include the promotion of the technology as well as the operational study of compatibility verification systems for communication among different Nessum devices.

  • Promote your products on a global platform
  • Leverage a trusted certification program
  • Connect with members to discover new opportunities
  • Access compatibility and verification testing
  • Make keynote speech in seminars and technology conferences
  • Get the latest information on the member's website
  • Utilize presentation space at Trade shows/Expos

Message From
Our President

Let’s create a world where everything is connected


Members support
innovative wired
for IoT era


The Alliance is an open organization


Meet the officers and staff

With the rapid spread of broadband environments worldwide, it is predicted that video services, IP voice communication services, IoT data communication services, etc. will continue to expand in the future. Additionally, there are expectations for a
communication method that allows easy network construction for home appliances, business information devices, and IoT-related devices.

Join the advancement of the Nessum technology for long-range wired communication and near-field high-speed wireless communication and ensure your products are more secure, stable, and reliable than anything competitors could provide.

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